Partner visa Australia

Australian Partner Visas permit members of couples (opposite or same sex) who are either married or in a de facto relationship to travel to and live in Australia with their partner who is already in the country.

There are a range of partner visa options for individuals who are in an ongoing and established relationship with either Australian citizenship or permanent residence in Australia, or with an eligible citizen of New Zealand who is living in Australia.

Our Melbourne-based team of lawyers and registered migration agents have a wealth of experience in helping clients with applications for a visa which allows them to live with their partner or spouse in Australia. We can help with understanding your situation and identifying which partner visa option is best for your own circumstances, and with preparing an application which will meet the assessment criteria of caseworkers in the Department of Home Affairs.

Fraud in Visa Applications

No matter which visa you decide to apply for, all applicants should take care that they do not accidentally or intentionally misrepresent their circumstances, personal information or supporting documentation when submitting their application. If Australian authorities determine that you have provided false or misleading information in your application, it may be refused and could affect your ability to obtain a visa or enter Australia in the future.

Individuals who do not have the legal right to remain in Australia should also be aware that their details may be shared between Australian government agencies for the purposes of immigration enforcement.

Processing Times

At present, applications for Partner and Prospective Marriage visas are being processed in around 10-14 months, roughly around the Government’s service standards target of 12 months. Processing times can however vary, depending on the personal circumstances of the applicant and/or their sponsor, or the workload or backlog of immigration caseworkers in Australia.

You should therefore apply as soon as possible (once you are eligible) in advance of any planned move to Australia. If you intend to visit Australia to see your partner while your application is being considered, you may have to apply for a Visitor visa in advance. Please contact us for more information tailored to your specific circumstances.

Until you have received confirmation that you have been granted a visa, you should not book any flights or make commitments to travel to Australia. 

Book your no-obligation consultation today with our Registered Migration Agents in Melbourne, and find out the right visa options for your unique circumstances.